Directions: Please take notes about the aesthetics and framing of the narrative. Also isolate moments in this episode that underscore the arguments in the reading about creating a feminine world of consumption (you will share answers in class):
a) homogenization (especially regarding gender, sexuality, and race)
b) classed sensibilities (masking the false presentation of a "declassed world"; how is the spectator trained to see hyper materialism and a non-classed world at the same time)
c) star discourse (how is LC is situated as the subject of identification, and how the characters are made supra-real through the medium of reality TV framing)
d) spectator identification through sentimentality (how do aesthetics like music, lighting, etc., shape the viewers allegiances or lack thereof to characters)
e) postfeminism (rights for women are no longer sought because equality has been achieved in work, sexual relations, life advancement, etc.)
f) simulacra (a simulation of a simulation of life; double fabrication)
At a more basic level, how does the show present relationships between women and women more general as human beings?
How is language and style used in the episode to frame the character's personalities and an aesthetic of popularity and cool?
How is the "workplace" envisioned and what "ideological work" does the framing of their place of employment do?
What type of impression does the show leave of Los Angeles?
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